All dressed up - Nowhere to go
Sat at the table, with Prince in his throne, I could see him eying up my new boots. Distracted by an issue that my mother was having with...

“I walked to the bottom of the clothes line this morning, and there your farther was, smoking. I was so upset, I cried. I couldn’t talk...

Off / On, a simple switch, but a switch to what? I hear you ask. If you have studied the photograph of one my fathers prised sheds at the...

Shed No.5
Unlike some of our neighbouring countries that have garages and basements, we have sheds. Even when we have garages, we still have sheds....

Hands of time
Time it seems, has no time to waste, and the harder we try to slow things down, the faster it tends to go. Time we might say is always a...

You only need to take a short stroll around the confines of prince’s garden and you will soon discover an array of oddities. So it’s no...

Why have dads changed? Why all of a sudden do they care? Or do they? Have they changed all that much? Am I really any different to my...

In the Beginning
Whats it all about? Well, this blog started simply as a place not that different to a Facebook page, although it was my page (and nothing...

Prynhawn Da S4C
Prynhawn Da talks to Huw Alden Davies about the success of Prince his first book that led to Scaffold to the Moon, his second publication...

TUMBLE Featured on AFINEBEGINING.COM. Head on over and check it out http://www.afinebeginning.com/blog https://www.facebook.com/huwaldend...